New Book Finished!

Dear Readers, I have been busy completing my new book, God Chose a Woman First: Why the Voices of Biblical Women Matter. I am hoping it will be available by June 2019. Please check back frequently to learn when it has been published. Better yet, subscribe to this blog in the pink box on this page and you’ll be one of the first to hear when the book is available!

I am especially grateful to artist He Qi for the use of his beautiful artwork for the cover. I encourage you to visit his website at to see his many biblically inspired paintings. He is a living artist and is currently an artist-in-residence at Fuller Seminary.

Here are some ways you can help me in the very near future. I’ll continue to send more details as I have them.

  1. Personally purchase a book from me before it goes on sale on Amazon. (I’ll let you know when that can be done.)
  2. Write a review of the book the first day it is available on Amazon (this helps the book become more visible on Amazon). The goal is 100 reviews on Amazon.
  3. Share the news of the book on your Facebook page, Instagram, email your friends, etc.
  4. Invite me to speak to your group and I’ll bring some books along to sell.
  5. Encourage any libraries, book clubs, church groups, church libraries, school libraries, and bookstores to purchase copies of the book.

In the meantime, here’s a blurb from the back cover:

Be empowered! The Bible teaches that God highly values women’s voices, abilities, and bodies. 

What do you do when you are feeling called to a task much bigger than you? How do you respond when you sense God is asking you to pursue a particular vocation, and yet others around you are discouraging you from such a pursuit—because you’re a woman? Where can you turn for empowering confidence? 

As our world spirals with continued consequences of women being treated as “less-than,” role models of real women are needed who have exhibited faithfulness, wisdom, courage, and leadership against the odds. Each of the 13 women presented in this book were chosen by God—instead of a man—to be the first person in Scripture to experience God in a new way, to express a new truth about God, or to proclaim a new message from God. This book will help women renew their confidence in their equal status with men as God’s image-bearers capable of following God’s call. Explore the keys to resilient confidence found in these accounts of biblical women set in the context of world history and other ancient women’s accomplishments.

Hear afresh the voices of Eve, Hagar, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Huldah, Elizabeth, Mary of Nazareth, Anna, the Woman at the Well, Martha, Mary Magdalene, and Lydia. These women’s voices matter to the whole church!

If you’d like to read more, I’m including a sample section here. Click on the link below to read an excerpt of my section on the prophet Anna. I’d love to hear what you think. Please feel free to share this post and comment below! Thanks!

Link to God Chose Anna

Laura Savage-Rains--speaker, author, coach--is the founder and author of who is using her 30+ years of ministry and leadership experience to teach women how to lead with passion.
Her newest book is the multi-award-winning God Chose a Woman First: Discover the Keys to Resilient Confidence through the Voices of Biblical Women. She is a native Texan who has also lived in foreign places such as Alabama and Romania. She makes her home in Lakeway, Texas, with her husband, Mark.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “New Book Finished!

  1. Altha Vidal says:

    Just received your book from Amazon, reading this morning. May I say, I am sooooo proud of your achievement of understanding what I have thought about for some time, and you, I believe have been given an understanding from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for being open to hearing. Looking forward to hearing more. God Bless!!! Your Sister-in Christ. Altha Vidal

    • Dear Altha, Thank you for your kind words! So glad you’re enjoying it! My prayer is that it will encourage many women seeking to hear God’s call.

  2. Rebecca Ochoa says:

    I just read the sample section on Anna. How fabulous! This came off not as merely text, but my minds eye was right there in the Temple area. Laura, I appreciate the way you did not insert unrealistic writers compulsion to be dramatic. Instead you used the God designed tender heart of a women who loves Him, and appropriately excited anticipation for the coming Messiah to show. I can’t wait to see how you demonstrate the hearts and emotions of the other women that God Chose First.

    • Laura Savage-Rains says:

      Thanks, Rebecca. I hope others will be able to see themselves in the stories of these biblical women. It’s amazing to me that God preserved their stories for us for these thousands of years!