Welcome! I hope you’ll find helpful resources here on my website WomensMinistryCoach.com. I’m so glad you found me! My goal is to help you uncover the ways God has already equipped you to be BOLD and Bountiful.

As this website grows—and gets requests and ideas from you—here are the types of resources I will provide:
- Blog posts on leadership and ministry topics targeted to women (subscribe to my FREE blog to receive 2 FREE resources just for subscribers!)
- Short, downloadable Bible studies, worksheets, and eBooks you can share with your group
- Confidence-building stories and practical tips to develop your unique leadership gifts
- Thought-provoking questions to help you discern how the Holy Spirit is working in your life and in your ministry
- Training videos for ministry leadership (currently under construction) which can be used by individuals or groups
- Ways to contact me to book me for teaching/speaking, coaching, consulting, or training
- Links to other helpful resources
The purpose of coaching is different than mentoring or consulting, training, or counseling. Coaching does not tell you what you should do or counsel you about your past. Coaching looks forward and helps you set the goals to which you want to be held accountable. Coaching asks questions to help you develop your discernment muscles and to recognize God’s Spirit already at work within you.
The Apostle Paul wrote two of my favorite verses that remind us of this truth:
“I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6, CEB).
“Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20, CEB).
I hope you will find questions on this site that will make you think for yourself and discern the best answers for your unique situation. I hope you will be encouraged to know that God wants your unique message to be heard in the world. While I may offer leadership tips and examples, the purpose of that will be to direct your mind to the ideas that you have that will meet the needs of the ministry where God has placed you. God does not need a copy of someone else’s ministry where you are. Discovering the uniqueness of the ministry God put you on earth to fulfill is an exciting adventure!
Thanks for allowing me to be part of your journey! Let’s begin with this: what skill or knowledge do you think would give women more confidence in their leadership abilities? Please share your answers in the comments below.
Let’s start the conversation!
In Christ, the One Who Fulfills All Our Dreams,

Certified Spiritual Intelligence Coach