How do you want your leadership to be remembered? Answering that is a good exercise. Preparing for that is a sacred duty. Jesus said expectantly, “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12 NRSV). Jesus prepared them for the day he would be gone. We can do likewise by:
- Distilling our successful methods into reproducible steps and processes
- Delegating responsibilities to others
- Departing with confidence in them
Answer this in the Comment section: What is one of the best leadership skills you admire in others?
I admire leaders who empower others, who make group members feel part of the team, valued for their ideas and contributions.
Yes indeed, Marilyn! Everyone wants to be considered an asset to a group.
I admire leaders who come to the planning table with a willingness to hear from others, adapt plans to include others’ ideas, and work as a team toward what is now a shared goal. Otherwise, the “team” merely becomes a mechanism for carrying out one person’s vision and the tasks related to that one person’s vision. I have found it is easier (and certainly more pleasant) to follow a leader who conveys an openness to hear ideas from others. It also makes team members more likely to want to step up to greater levels of leadership when they see, over time, that their ideas are affirmed and valued.
I totally agree, Cindy! That kind of leader is so much fun to work for and with!
I admire leaders who can speak in a way that is both informative and inspiring.