Holding on During Holy Week (see invitation below)

This may be the most memorable Holy Week in church history. Most churches will be closed for Easter, yet worship services are still happening via internet technology and homemade altars for private communion observances. Regardless of the pandemic’s destruction, we still have reason to celebrate the One Who conquered death once and for all on […]

The Keys to Confident Leadership – Part 1

Seeing someone in a new light - Hagar

Do you need more confidence? How can you develop that confidence in a godly way? I’m going to re-introduce you to some biblical women and show you how they teach us the keys to confident leadership. Enjoy this 2-minute video clip from a presentation I did at the BRAVE to Lead Pre-Conference session sponsored by […]

How NOT to Be a Spiritual Snob

New Paths for a Woman's Spiritual Journey

I hate to admit it, but it is oh so true: I used to be a spiritual snob! Growing up in a conservative Christian denomination which focused on its interpretation of scripture as the “best” or “only” interpretation gave me a strong basis of scripture knowledge for which I am very grateful, but I let […]

The Gift of Girlfriends!

How do you celebrate your friends?

Have you heard Reba McEntire’s new song “God and My Girlfriends” from her newest–and first gospel–album, “Sing it Now”? The song celebrates the blessing of faith and friendship and it sounds like the story of my life! I have been so blessed to have amazing girlfriends my whole life. I hope I have been the […]

Why Ministry Partnerships Matter

The example of Priscilla and Aquila

Ministry partnerships are the backbone of the church. If people didn’t work together, the church could not survive. In women’s ministry, women work together to create wonderful events for women to help them grow spiritually. In men’s ministry, men work together to provide opportunities for men to grow deeper in their faith. In the church […]

When a Woman Called for Reformation

Long before Luther, there was Huldah!

Martin Luther’s Reformation began in his own heart when he read with new eyes the scripture “The righteous will live by faith” in Romans 1:17 and he finally understood that his good works wouldn’t save him. His interpretation sparked the Protestant Reformation on October 31, 1517. And today happens to be the 500th Anniversary of […]

Telling People Where to Go . . .

How to Read the Bible Like a Leader - Part 3

What is your process as a leader for knowing where to go next? Sometimes the “going” is literal for yourself as in where God is calling you to move, to work, to serve, or to learn. Sometimes the “going” is more about where your group needs to go next as in changing locations for your […]

How to Read the Bible Like a Leader – Part 2

The Manual for ANY Leadership Role

How can we know we are leading as Christ would have us lead? There are many excellent resources available for leadership training–both faith-based and secular–yet the best manual for any leadership role is the Bible. If we will start by focusing on the leadership skills emphasized in the Bible, then we can filter all other […]

How to Read the Bible Like a Leader

Jesus' training manual now available*

Ever wonder where Jesus got his training to be a leader? Yes, he was God in the flesh, but he chose to limit his powers while on earth and became a servant who demonstrated what it looks like to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as […]