A Leader’s Spiritual Presence

Spiritual Intelligence Skills Part 4

How do wisdom AND compassion show up in your role as a teacher/mentor/leader? Sometimes it’s easier to be wise than compassionate. As a leader, you are probably capable of surveying a situation and logically planning a solution or plan of action that will get the job done, make a decision, or take the next step. […]

Can you measure Spiritual Intelligence?

Workshop coming Sep 16

Who are your spiritual leaders–past and present? Most of us would probably have Jesus at the top of our list, yet there are others who have also brought wisdom, peace, and compassion to our world. I think of the Apostle Paul, Corrie ten Boom, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks. Have you ever […]

Leadership 101 for Christian Women

A Decision-Making Process

I’m starting a series with this article giving specific leadership principles, practices, and promises for Christian women. I’d love to hear your comments! While I love to teach the stories of biblical women and glean leadership principles from their lives, I really believe there is an even more important tool with which a Christian woman […]