A Leader’s Spiritual Presence

Spiritual Intelligence Skills Part 4

How do wisdom AND compassion show up in your role as a teacher/mentor/leader? Sometimes it’s easier to be wise than compassionate. As a leader, you are probably capable of surveying a situation and logically planning a solution or plan of action that will get the job done, make a decision, or take the next step. […]

Who’s really in the driver’s seat?

Spiritual Intelligence Skills Part 3

Being in charge, responsible, and accountable are all part of the leader’s job description, right? So how’s that working out for you? I hope not at all! What?!?! you ask. Read on. When it comes to spiritual skills, your goal is to give the driving privileges of your life over to your Higher Self–which, for […]

Spiritual Skills That Stretch A Leader’s Mind

Spiritual Intelligence Skills Part 2

How broad is your perspective? As I child, I would lie in the cool, green grass on a summer afternoon looking up into the sky through the feathery leaves of the mimosa tree in our front yard. Noticing how the leaves would fold up each evening was a fun fact for a five- year old. […]

How Self-Awareness Can Improve Your Leadership

Spiritual Intelligence Skills Part 1

Great leaders understand the need for self-awareness and practice it with the goal of self-improvement. Effective Christian leaders seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in aligning their gifts, talents, and inner selves with God’s work in the world. To start, you need to make use of the tools available for knowing who you are and what […]

Can you measure Spiritual Intelligence?

Workshop coming Sep 16

Who are your spiritual leaders–past and present? Most of us would probably have Jesus at the top of our list, yet there are others who have also brought wisdom, peace, and compassion to our world. I think of the Apostle Paul, Corrie ten Boom, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks. Have you ever […]