The Women Who Saved Christmas – Lesson 5

She was a princess in Judah during the time of the Divided Kingdom, a devoted aunt to her brother’s children, and the wife of the high priest in Jerusalem. Can you name her? Don’t worry, most people can’t! And even if you knew her name, you’d probably have trouble pronouncing it. Jehosheba [ji-HOSH-uh-buh] grew up […]

The Women Who Saved Christmas – Lesson 3

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You don’t just marry the person, you marry the whole family”? It is true. The character Ruth in the Old Testament book which bears her name is a good example of someone who took to heart the obligation of marrying the whole family. Her faithfulness to her widowed mother-in-law […]

The Women Who Saved Christmas – Lesson 2

Did God really choose a brothel owner to play an important role in the family line of Jesus?! YES!! Rahab was a Canaanite woman living in Jericho. She was a business owner. Her business was running a brothel. Yet, scripture commends her righteous act of helping Israel’s spies in both the Old and New Testaments. […]

The Women Who Saved Christmas – Lesson 1

She was desperate. She had been patient, much longer than anyone would expect. Judah, her father-in-law, had promised her he would take care of things and yet he had failed her once again.  Tamar was her name and the strategy she felt compelled to carry out is truly beyond our comprehension today. Yet, somehow, her […]