Encourage Excellence

How to Increase Your Influence

Increase your influence by encouraging excellence. “Whatever is true, . . . noble, . . . right, . . . pure, . . . lovely, . . . admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And […]

How to Use Your Influence to Make a Positive Impact

Hidden Figures - Part 3 of 3 - Phoebe

She was probably single. She was evidently a woman of independent means living in one of the most cosmopolitan cities on earth in the first century, able to travel more than 600 miles, a servant leader recognized by her church as a deacon, and a financial supporter of many—including the apostle Paul. She was apparently […]

4 Habits of a Hopeful Heart

Hannah and Her Expectant Hope

The giggly gurgles of a baby are some of the sweetest sounds on earth. That fresh, squeezably soft infant skin has a fragrance all its own. Twinkling tiny eyes that blink with delight can bring joy to any heart. God sends babies to us in cute packages. Yet, not everyone gets one. I remember my […]