Come to My Book Launch!

If you’re in the Austin/Lake Travis area, I would love to see you at my presentation for the Speaker Series at The Lakeway Church on Sunday, September 8, 6 pm. Following the presentation, you’re invited to a Book Launch/Signing Party! The video in the post has more details! Click on the title above (Come to […]

The Keys to Confident Leadership – Part 1

Seeing someone in a new light - Hagar

Do you need more confidence? How can you develop that confidence in a godly way? I’m going to re-introduce you to some biblical women and show you how they teach us the keys to confident leadership. Enjoy this 2-minute video clip from a presentation I did at the BRAVE to Lead Pre-Conference session sponsored by […]

The Secret to Resilient Confidence

Hagar and Her Empowering Encounter

Does fear ever keep you from doing something? Do you ever panic at the thought of being among strangers? Do you lack that confident edge that you see in others? We have all had at least one of these feelings at some point in our lives—that first school dance, that job interview, that speech in […]