Respect is not bestowed along with a job title. Respect is earned. Great leaders demonstrate what they are asking others to do by serving them. Regardless of how menial, difficult, or inconvenient the task, great leaders know how to reciprocate responsibility. They do for others what they want done. They know the power in serving others.
“If I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you too must wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example: Just as I have done, you also must do.” (John 13:14-15, CEB)
Join the conversation by answering this question in the Comments section: What is an example of a leader serving others you have witnessed or experienced?
I just witnessed such an example on Sunday when our church held a reception for our new associate pastor. Leading the effort was Patty Miles, something she has done many times before. Everyone who volunteered to help could be assured that Patty would be “in the thick of things” prior to, during, & after the event. Then she deflected praise for herself & sent thank you messages to all the volunteers. I would follow Patty anywhere & anytime. She sets the example!
What a great example of leadership worth following! Thanks for sharing, Marilyn!