“Let’s Talk about the Show” Discussion Page


A one-page, reproducible, discussion guide template that helps you turn any movie/TV show/video into a Bible study.

Using the acronym GRACE, you can cover the characters and events in any show and then move the participants into personal application of biblical principles.


Let’s Talk about the Show Discussion Guide

This one-page, reproducible template will help you turn any movie/TV show/video into a Bible study discussion for youth or adults. Using the acronym GRACE, the questions cover these topics:

  • Good stuff
  • Relationships
  • Attitudes
  • Changes
  • Effects

Participants will discuss their observations of the characters and how their relationships and attitudes made a difference. Each topic then uses a Bible passage to help the participants see the biblical principles played out in the story–or not–helping them learn to observe the behavior of others and how their personal lives reflect the values they want them to reflect.

Great tool for adult retreats or youth events where you watch a movie and then want to discuss it from a biblical perspective. Once purchased, you can photocopy it as needed.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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