12 Leader Habits that Can Change the World

Leader Habits in 90-Word Nuggets

Each of the following 12 headings starts with a letter that when put together spells “Leader Habits.” Each of these habits affects your leadership and the people you lead. When you change the world for one person, you change the world for all of us. How do I know these habits will change the world? […]

Serve Others out of Love

How to Amaze Your Audience

Great leaders know how to love those with whom they work. Whether you work/serve in the secular world or in a Christian environment, the way you treat others reveals your true colors. The crowds were amazed at Jesus’ teaching because he taught with authority, not as their teachers of the law (Matt. 7:28-29). His teaching […]

Train Your Successors

How to Leave Your Mark

How do you want your leadership to be remembered? Answering that is a good exercise. Preparing for that is a sacred duty. Jesus said expectantly, “The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father” […]

Invite Constructive Criticism

How to Develop Humility

Have you ever known a leader who never faced criticism? Leaders who invite constructive criticism from their followers, and then receive it graciously and act on it productively are leaders with a growing, appreciative following. Develop your humility by: Asking for anonymous feedback so people can be honest. Listening to the feedback with an open […]

Befriend the Younger Generation

How to Ensure Your Legacy

Investing in the younger generation is the best assurance you can have that the good work you’ve started will continue. Here are three ways to ensure your legacy intentionally by befriending the younger generation already eager to make a difference: Spend quality time with someone much younger. Listen!   Ask them to teach/advise you about […]

Advise the Potential

How to See the Future in Others

Her whole story is often overlooked. Mary Magdalene is first introduced to us as a suffering woman healed by Jesus (Luke 8). The last time we see her in scripture, Jesus has commissioned her to be the first person in history to share the Resurrection News (John 20). What a transformation! By advising her potential, Jesus […]

Honor Your Sheroes and Heroes

How to Leave a Legacy of Valuable Lessons

Can you still hear the advice and encouragement in your heart from the sheroes and heroes who have shaped your life? Giving them credit for their contributions to your accomplishments is a way to express humble gratitude. Here are 3 ways (among many) you can honor the memory of those who came before you:  Mention […]

Reciprocate Responsibility

How to Earn Respect

Respect is not bestowed along with a job title. Respect is earned. Great leaders demonstrate what they are asking others to do by serving them. Regardless of how menial, difficult, or inconvenient the task, great leaders know how to reciprocate responsibility. They do for others what they want done. They know the power in serving […]

Educate Effectively

How to Develop Faithful Followers

Leaders with faithful followers have learned to educate effectively. To educate effectively, you address your followers’ specific needs. To know your followers’ needs, you spend time with your followers.   The leaders I follow educate me effectively by helping me:   Belong to a community Find practical solutions Have opportunities to fulfill a meaningful responsibility […]

Determine Your Perspective

How to Have Lasting Joy as a Leader

Success in your work is not the source of lasting joy. An excited group of 70 disciples returned from their powerful mission trip. Jesus joyfully heard their report, celebrated with them, and acknowledged their success. His wise counsel then still works today: “Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but […]

Act with Discernment

How to Know What to Do Next

Truly seeking God’s will? God will guide you. This verse is my reminder: “For we are of God’s making, created in union with the Messiah Yeshua for a life of good actions already prepared by God for us to do” (Eph. 2:9-10, CJB) Trusting that God already has a plan for you will help you […]

Encourage Excellence

How to Increase Your Influence

Increase your influence by encouraging excellence. “Whatever is true, . . . noble, . . . right, . . . pure, . . . lovely, . . . admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And […]

Leaders Learn

90-word Nuggets for Leaders

NOTE: Summer’s here and I’m promising myself to lighten my load and write shorter posts. So, here’s my first of a series of 90-word Nuggets for Leaders. Read in [this Instruction] every day . . . learn to revere the Lord . . . by keeping all the words of this Instruction. . . . […]