Looking for confidence in your calling?

My new book reveals the keys to resilient confidence

God Chose a Woman First: Discover the Keys to Resilient Confidence through the Voices of Biblical Women

$19.97 on Amazon HEREĀ 


From the back cover:

Be empowered! The Bible teaches that God highly values women’s voices, abilities, and bodies.

Hear afresh the voices of Eve, Hagar, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Huldah, Elizabeth, Mary of Nazareth, Anna, the Samaritan Woman, Martha, Mary Magdalene, and Lydia. Their stories offer the keys to resilient confidence!

What do you do when you are feeling called to a task much bigger than you? How do you respond when you sense God is asking you to pursue a particular vocation, and yet others around you are discouraging you from such a pursuit–because you’re a woman? Where can you turn for empowering confidence?

The voices of biblical women reveal the keys to resilient confidence you need to fulfill your unique purpose. Each of the 13 biblical women presented in this book was chosen by God–instead of a man–to be the first person in Scripture to experience God in a new way, to express a new truth about God, or to proclaim a new message from God. As our world spirals with continued consequences of women being treated as “less-than,” these real women will teach you how to exhibit faithfulness, wisdom, courage, and leadership against the odds. See these biblical women’s stories come to life in the context of world history and renew your confidence in your equal status with men as God’s image bearer capable of fulfilling God’s call on your life.

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