Where did you get your Bible?

A woman may have translated it!

I am in the midst of a planning retreat, so I am sharing an article with you today from Christianity Today. It is a wonderful reminder just how vital women are to the advancement of the kingdom of God–and specifically about how single women have been such a powerful force in missions. According to the […]

What if we took the brother-sister relationship seriously in the church?

Priscilla and Aquila

The brother-sister metaphor is used in the New Testament to describe the relationship among Christians. It is a picture of equal status and equal responsibility. So, how are we doing with that in practical terms in the church today? How would our ministries benefit if we sought out the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of the other […]

3 Essential Questions Every Ministry Should Ask

Applying Jesus' Model for Ministry

Is the ministry you lead or participate in following Jesus’ model for ministry? The model Jesus offers us is laid out in chapters 5-10 of the gospel of Matthew. This model is applicable to any type of ministry – a women’s ministry, a food pantry ministry, a church, a music ministry, a teaching ministry, a […]

A Third Peek into My Leadership Toolbox

Mary Magdalene: From Worst to First - Part 2

Can you imagine someone joining your church staff tomorrow who was just released from prison today? I can’t, but I should be able to! Why? Because when Jesus healed Mary Magdalene from being imprisoned by seven demons–which could imply she suffered from the worst possible corruption–she became one of a group of wealthy women who […]

A Second Peek into My Leadership Toolbox

Lessons in Being Misunderstood from Mary Magdalene - Part 1

Being misunderstood is an expected occupational hazard for any leader. Being doubted as a leader is also frustrating. Sometimes, those occurrences can make you feel debilitatingly paralyzed from wanting to continue with your responsibilities. That’s when I pull out my leadership tools of the example of others who overcame such obstacles. I often turn to the […]

5 Humble Habits of Servant Leaders

The Anointing Woman in the New Testament and Sojourner Truth

Servant leadership is a popular term. Yet, what does it look like? Can you actually be a leader who serves others with a humble spirit in today’s competitive marketplace, in today’s political environment, even in today’s church? I believe the answer is yes because Jesus modeled it and expects us to follow his leadership. The […]

How to “Love Kindness” by Embracing Differences

Pharaoh's Daughter and Sarah and Angelina Grimké

Don’t you enjoy being around someone who is kind? There’s a tangible gentleness, peace, and feeling of belonging whenever you are experiencing or witnessing an act of genuine kindness. I believe this is evidence of our being made in the image of God. The women I am writing about in this third of a four-part […]

How to “Do Justice” by Asking the Right Questions

Zelophehad's Daughters and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

A well-posed question is an effective tool which can jar me out of my assumptions, especially if that question requires me to think from another perspective or defend my own ideas and beliefs. My way of thinking is, after all, logical (in my mind), routine, and even comforting. In this second of a four-part series for Women’s […]

How to “Do Justice” through Righteous Defiance

Shiphrah, Puah, and Lucretia Mott - ordinary women who changed their world

Our world’s problems are overwhelming and we can feel helpless to make a difference. Yet, each one of us can make an impact on these problems with conscious, daily actions. From human trafficking to global warming to endless wars to the world’s refugee crisis, you can help to bring about positive change! As a leader, […]

How to Engage in God’s Design for Equality

Celebrate Women's History Month

God has chosen women to be leaders with God-given responsibilities ever since the creation of the first humans. Genesis 1:26-29 paints a picture of the image of God being imbued into the very nature of all human beings–male and female. God gave them equal responsibility to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the […]

“Hidden Figures” Movie Discussion Guide

With a Bible Study on the Samaritan Woman - A Woman Hidden in Plain Sight

I had a great time in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, last week consulting with a group of very capable, gifted, and enthusiastic women leaders guiding them through a strategic planning process (Hello, PASJ WMU!) Our fun activity on Friday evening was to go see the movie “Hidden Figures” together and then go out for dessert and a discussion […]

Cross-cultural Friendship 101

How to make friends outside your comfort zone

Going outside our comfort zones is always a little challenging. All of us find it easiest to do routine things with familiar people. Yet, to be a leader, you will be required to have some skill in working outside your comfort zone. Leaders are expected to go outside their comfort zones through new projects, a […]

A Peek into My Leadership Toolbox

Influential books in my life

About two years after I graduated from seminary, God made it clear to me that everyone I knew was already salty and shiny and I was not being the salt and light I needed to be. So, God called me into secular work and out of my ministry job in a large denominational agency. That’s […]

How to Lead Dynamic and Effective Meetings – Part 2

Stand-Out Professional Tips 6-10

Last week, I began a list of 10 tips for leading better meetings. Here are a few more that can keep the energy going on a project that requires meeting time. Stand-Out Professional Tips for Leading Dynamic and Effective Meetings – Part 2 6. Call, email, or text a reminder about the time and location of […]

How to Lead Dynamic and Effective Meetings – Part 1

Stand-Out Professional Tips 1-5

I know there are people who don’t like meetings. I am not one of those people. I like love being with other people, so meetings are a chance for me to do that. I guess I look more forward to the social aspect than the business aspect. As a leader–of anything–you have to conduct meetings. They […]

How to Use Your Influence to Make a Positive Impact

Hidden Figures - Part 3 of 3 - Phoebe

She was probably single. She was evidently a woman of independent means living in one of the most cosmopolitan cities on earth in the first century, able to travel more than 600 miles, a servant leader recognized by her church as a deacon, and a financial supporter of many—including the apostle Paul. She was apparently […]

5 Keys for Communicating with Men Leaders

Hidden Figures - Part 2 of 3 - Huldah

Communicating with men leaders can be challenging for a woman, especially if you are more accustomed to working only with women. Research has shown that women and men really do have different styles of communication (see Deborah Tannen’s books on Amazon). Yet, the precedents set by many biblical women–who lived in a very patriarchal culture–can […]

3 Hidden Figures You Need to Know

Biblical Women Who Changed Your World - Part 1 of 3 - Jehosheba

I am so excited to see the new movie “Hidden Figures” about Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, three African-American women who helped the US win the Space Race by using their mathematical skills at NASA to put John Glenn into orbit. This is one of those movies that will educate all of us […]

3 Ways to Connect to Your Audience

Telling Stories Portraying God

Here we are at the end of 2016 and I am enjoying time with my granddaughters and family, so please allow me to share a revised blog post from an earlier writing. The theme this week is “looking at something in a new way in the New Year.” Jesus is the Master Teacher. He knows […]

4 Practices of a Purposeful Communicator

Anna and Her Expectant Peace

A word of good news wraps peace around a longing heart. During Advent, we celebrate the arrival of the Prince of Peace—the long-awaited Messiah—and we are reminded how Jesus was born into a world that was anything but peaceful. Yet even then there were some faithful people still waiting expectantly for God to change things. […]